Monday, 3 January 2011

It's New Year again

Well new year has come round again, another year has flown by and my god, what a year it's been! I find it impossible these days to predict or attempt to plan where we'll be this time next year. In the last 12 months we have lived in 4 houses, in 2 countries and had 1 baby, been in court several times and been involved in various other domestic battles.

I wonder exactly how kharma plays it's cards sometimes. I think I am a decent person and deserve to be treated as such, yet it seems no matter how hard you work on being nice to people, being friendly, non-judgemental, open-minded and the rest of it, some people are all too ready to stab you in the back as soon as something happens that they don't like.

Some friends, who have been so for a number of years, took it upon themselves to slag me off for moving abroad, not just to me but to others behind my back, thinking or hoping I wouldn't find out about it. When I walk back in to that life, they don't know where to look, yet don't acknowledge they have done anything hurtful, or even worse, pretend they haven't said or done anything. In a weeks' time, all the home ed activities begin, I wonder what will become of those friendships.

When our backs were really up against the wall and marksmen taking aim, where were these so-called friends? The same can also be said for some elements of family, pretending to be nice, supportive and friendly, until the crunch comes, at which point all they can do is either criticise, judge and condemn or blatently come out with name calling and abuse when things don't go the way they want.

One thing is for sure, in 2011 I won't be putting up with two-faced people. Either you're there for us when it matters, either in reality or virtually, you tell us directly what your opinions are, IF those opinions are in some way helpful, otherwise you support what choices we make, regardless of whether you agree with them or not. I am always open to meaningful dialogue, resolution to problems/disagreements etc, but I won't put up with people who say one thing and do another, make out they're being friendly but then say stuff behind my back, that's most unsupportive, both to me and my family. Do this and you can expect excommunication. I am not wasting my valuable energy on people who don't deserve it.

Don't get me wrong, I don't pretend to be perfect, or try to be so. I make mistakes, sometimes big ones, I put my foot in it or say the wrong thing from time to time. Who among you has not? I hold my hands up to that. Life is nothing if you don't at least try though. I will tell you things as they are and expect you to do the same and to me, not to some other person who may pass on parts of the message. If you can't handle certain truths, that's your issue not mine.

I will continue not to make judgement on people unless of course they cause hurt or upset to my family. I will continue accepting people for who they are, but that doesn't mean I want them all in my life, and I will endeavour to practise more forgiveness, remembering that we are all inter-connected spiritual beings.

I wish you all peace and inner resolution to your conflicts. Happy new year!

Love and light

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