Time is a strange thing, for as long as I can remember, it has been in short supply, never enough to do all the things that need doing or that I want to do. There was always home ed, running around after one child or another, lots of people coming and going, holidays, trips out, houses to renovate, projects ongoing, gardening, cleaning etc. Notice how cleaning is at the end of the list though!
Now, we're hundreds of miles away from all our friends, from my other children, from all MY responsibilities, commitments and indulgances. The kids are in school, the other kids are too far away to pick up (but that's a whole other story), everything is different and remote. There is, in fact, too much time to fill, which then gives my mind a chance to kick in!
Thinking, thinking, thinking. One thought after another, round and round and round! Everything you can imagine from Atlantis to 2012, the Comprehensive Spending Review to reforming the political system, from application, submission, registration to global health and education agendas. So it goes on. I welcome the opportunity to expand my knowledge, walking further down the path of spiritual enlightenment and somehow to try and piece these ramblings together. The overarching sense that everything and everyone is connected, that somehow, to collate all this information into a central place for dissemination to others.
I have to say, having my first four followers in quite exciting! I actually have people who may be mildly interested in what I have to say. The term followers in mildly reminiscant of Jesus and the disciples, indeed I have been informed of my resemblance to Jesus by more than one person. Now my fellow Bloggers, follow me and be delivered right in to the path of temptation, profanity and insanity, for I'll deliver you nowhere you don't choose to be.
Good God, look at that, the power is going to my head already. Bloody hell, I used my father's name in vein, Jesus wept, I did it again and again!
Now the issue of religion has well and truly been dealt with, we'll cover politics, drug use, educational abuse, health and more, but not now. I need a coffee to take away the giddiness of having followers! See you soon.
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