For me, having my own thoughts is an absolute essential. Yes, I am interested in what others have to say, in their feelings, personal viewpoints, etc and I respect their right to think/feel/believe whatever they want. So why is it then, that (some) people shout me down, call me names, insult me or dismiss what I am saying as lunacy or heresy?
I'm fascinated by how people come to holding certain viewpoints. I love to question them on those views and try to ascertain whether or not they are well-informed, researched personal views, arrived at through thought, reasoning and deliberation or whether they are recycled views, regurgitated from the Daily Mail, BBC News, The Sun, trashy magazines, etc. Make no mistake, these so-called news productions have just one purpose, to "programme" the way you think.
The term TV "programme" is not accidental. You are being programmed by the media, to behave, feel and respond in a way that's socially acceptable. What do I mean by that? In a way that makes you submissive to the powers that be, you become unable to think for yourself, easy to control through fear and no more than a zombie, acting out your daily life in blind subserviance. This process starts the day we're born.
First, as a new human being on the planet, you are free, no ties, no restrictions and limitless possibilities. You have to be brought under the jurisdiction of the country you're born in, made a "subject" of National Law, and henceforth have your sovereignty and freedom as a human being removed. You are made in to a "person" when you're registered and given a certificate of birth, or to give it the legal definition a "natural person". From this point on, you are a legal entity, capable of taking legal action and having it taken against you.
Programming starts immediately. If your parents are religious, you may be ordaned in to the house of their particular god, and the conditioning of religion begins, be good and you'll be fine, be naughty and the devil with have off with you. ie do as you are told by us, society, god, etc, become the perfect slave, do not hold free thoughts, free will or freedom or else your all-loving god will no longer love you and send you to a very nasty place.
Then, if your parents are being the good, obediant slaves they were trained to be, you'll be taken down the clinic for the first round of vaccines. You are taken in to the house of the medical gods and baptised there too. Your parents will of course believe that they are doing the best they can for you. They will be naively believing their programming: diseases kill, vaccines protect, if you love your child get it vaccinated or it might die! If they pause for thought at that moment, they'll be reminded of their civic duty to "protect" others, after all you don't want to be responsible for someone else dying, do you? If your difficult and obstinate parents don't submit then, they'll be accused of neglect, irresponsibilty and social disregard. Once they leave the clinic and begin passing through towns, villages and cities across the land, they will be putting others at risk.
According to the logic of the great medical establishment, if you do NOT inject your child with their elixir of health, your pure child will be putting the ones that have been "protected" at risk. How, I hear you ask? How is it possible that an unvaccinated child may pose a danger to a vaccinated one? But of course, your un"protected" child may continue to harbour diseases that jabs have allegedly been eradicated. If they have been wiped out, why do we need injecting to protect us? Of course, they haven't been wiped out now, just brought under control. This means that these big, bad diseases are just lying dormant, waiting to come and get your child, without warning. Your child deserves to be "protected", it has the right!
Of course, no mention is made of the fact that so-called immunisations contain a pletora of toxic ingrediants, many of which have no safe level of human consumption. No mention is made that vaccines may permantently and irrevocably alter the structure of human DNA, damaging the gene pool and leading to further genetic mutations in future generations. There's also no word about the link between vaccines and and Autistic Spectrum Disorders which now affect as many as 1:66 children in the UK. There's also the link to decreased fertility, cancers, brain tumours, cot death and a whole host of other disasterous consequences to medical intoxication.
As a baby, you'll be lucky if you avoid the shots, not many people have parents who are even bothered to research it, let alone be bold enough to stand against the establishment. If you do get the shots and are lucky enough not to acquire one or more of the afforementioned potential consequences, you'll be given the chance again and again before you reach five!
Your parents will now be watched and monitored more than the acquiescant masses as they made a choice! They will be reminded to conform on a regular basis. Failure to conform puts a black mark on your record. If they made other free choices, like being vegetarian or vegan, like following a non-authorised religion, like breast-feeding you for longer than the authoritarians say they should, like not returning to work when you're a few weeks old, or heaven forbid, not having a job at all, or living in a council house, or not being able to read well or articulate themselves, etc, etc, they will be watched, ridiculed, hassled and coerced into conformity.
If the authorities haven't managed to steal you away from you birth parents by now, they'll recommend you for a place with the educational gods at daycare, Surestart or some other government-sponsored programme of family division. The more you are away from your parents, who by the way, should not be trusted with your well-being at any point, the less your parents can pass their heresy on to you. That's right, your parents are not free thinkers, they are heretics. maybe suffering from ODD, Obsessive Defiance Disorder. Once you're away from your parents, they are allowed to return to their slave trade job at Tesco or in the City. You will have no-one that actually cares about you, looking after you every day, trying to ensure you are programmed to think like everyone else. You'll be free to do as you are told, dress like everyone else and suppress any individualistic tendancies you may have. If your thoughts are not in line with what's required, they are not valid! This will be repeated for sixteen years or more, by which time you'll either think and do as required by the State or derided as a lunatic, smoking funny fags.
Alternatively, your parents may think for themselves and allow you the freedom to grow in to a unique individual, in an educational setting that allows your creativity and individuality to flourish, takes care of your emotional and spiritual needs as well as the academic ones. But, do NOT expect support from the State, you'll be an outcast now and new laws will need to be drafted to control and monitor you, you have now become a threat!
You are a threat to the status quo. Your brain and body haven't been intoxicated with pharmaceutical drugs and educational conformity. You are less likely to acquiesce to their requests and more likely to upset the apple cart. You are less likely to believe the news, accept the social programming or do as you are told.
However, the authorities remain unabashed by this. They have a whole arsenal of fear-inducing tactics to reign you back in. Super-bugs every few years that require new vaccines, new drugs for headaches, new foods which alter moods, fluoridation of the water supply to dumb you down, global warming to tax yoiu more, and the biggy for the 21st century, TERRORISM!
Yes, you need to be afraid of terrorists! You don't know who they are, where they are or what they can do, but you do need to be afraid of them! People from the Muslim world, all are suspected terrorists, people from Africa, you gotta watch them you know, the Russians, Chinese, Irish, Brazilians, Jews - in fact anyone who isn't white or Christian. Oh no, wait now we have the threat of home grown terrorism too, so your neighbours, friends, teachers, absolutely anyone could be a terrorist. If you buy a dodgey DVD or a spliff or cheap tobacco, you too are supporting terrorism! Yes, your money WILL go to train taliban soldiers of you buy that DVD.
However, don't worry too much, we (the State) will come to your rescue. We will introduce new laws to protect you, don't worry about a few civil liberties here and there, about the right to trial by jury or the right to peaceful protest or the right of assembly, or using your camera in a public place or free speech. So long as you're safe from terrorists, it's worth it!
But wait, the Sheeple are no longer believing all our stories of terrorism, no longer scared enough, they even have the audacity to suggest we caused atrocities like 9/11, 7/7, Princess Diana, global economic collapse. Firstly, the news stories will keep reminding those maverick people just how dangerous the world is, just how much they need our protection and how problematic those immigrants are! Then we'll give them more reality TV, more computer games, more mind-numbing chemicals in their diet, water supply, food and drugs. They can have more social networking, they can express their views freely everywhere and we can see what they are saying.
Now all the people are voicing their opinions online and uniting in unexpected ways, they're uncovering and sharing things online that we'd rather they didn't... hmmm... what now? Oh I know - CYBER-TERRORISTS are going to bring the country to it knees, tell the people again and again how many times we've been attacked, they can't prove it after all, it's virtual, it's the perfect rouse. Then we can bring in new laws to "protect" them and protect the country. I, for one, say BULL SHIT! Cyber freedoms are as important as physical ones, if not more so.
Keep your mind open and you will see.
I know i know, nice view from the window tres tranquile