Monday 11 October 2010

Welcome to The View From My W1nd0w

You're probably thinking "why has window got numbers in it?" and why give the blog such a name? Well, first things first, I have had a continuous dialogue playing itself out in my head, an ongoing conversation about everything conceivable, sometimes my inner dialogue making me laugh out loud (should that be "LOL" on here?) and other times making me question my own sanity by the obscurity and utter bizarreness of the musings. The obvious thing to do is externalise these random cogitations and show the whole world how utterly barking I am, and why not, I mean, if there was any doubting my lack of conformity to conventional ways of being and any question as to whether the men in white coats should be summoned, the answer is here! Send them round now! Spare yourselves from any more!

Oh the numbers thing... just a way of getting the title I wanted. And the name? Well this was by pure chance. I wanted to take some shots of the view from the balcony, over the mountains and fjord. I fired off one single picture and was presented with the dreaded "memory card full" error, implying my delightful teenage, female David Bailey impersonator, had surupticiously acquired my camera and captured hundreds of images on total bollox! Dozens of her sister pulling impossible, contortionist faces or ones of dutch sheep or German trees, capturing the essence of the journey to Norway!

Faced with the dilemma now of being arsed to empty the card and continuing the shoot or abandoning the idea for the day, I opted for the latter. No great surprise to many of you no doubt! However, this triggered off an idea. What if I was to take just one picture every day from the same viewpoint and see what changes occur? This then led to an escalation of the idea, the view from my window can be literal and metaphorical, ie I can use this as a forum to extol the wonders of my personal viewpoints and inflict them on others.

If I were you, I'd run now and never come back!

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